The grandson of Will A. Zeppeli. He is a blond, suave ladies' man, as well as a skilled Ripple user. He was taught by Lisa Lisa, and currently lives in Italy. He is rather cool and collected, especially compared to Joseph, with whom he is grudgingly paired to fight the Pillar Men. But over time Joseph starts to grow on him so much he is able to understand his strange thought pattern. When Caesar was young his father suddenly left with no explanation. Because of this Caesar grew up hating his father thinking he was out living a new life. One day when Caesar spots him walking he tails him with the intention of killing him. Caesar spots a jewel not knowing that it was the activation of Wham's trap and his father pushes him out of the way, sacrificing himself for Caesar. This leads to Caesar going ahead of the rest of the group to fight Wham, where he meets the ultimate fate, but not before doing his fair share of damage and ripping off Wham's lip piercing, sending it in a Ripple bubble for Joseph before his body is crushed by a rock. (Source: Wikipedia)