Age: 17 (Dark Signer Arc), 18 (WRGP), 19 (Team 5Ds Future), 27 (finale timeskip) Birthday: September 6 Height: 174 cm Weight: 56 kg In Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Crow Hogan is one of Yusei Fudo's close friends from Satellite and is also a D-Wheeler. Born in Satellite, Crow too lost his parents in the Zero Reverse accident that caused the split between Satellite and Neo-Domino City. He roamed around and took care of himself for the first couple of years of his life before he discovered Duel Monsters cards and making friends in the process, including Yusei Fudo and Jack Atlus. Later, he met and was good friends with Robert Pearson and Bolger until Pearson's death, when Crow later lost contact with Bolger. Not too long afterwards, Team Satisfaction—the dueling team founded and formed by Kiryu Kyosuke—was disbanded. Crow, being the first to abandon the group, devoted his time to taking care of Blackbird—his D-Wheel that Robert Pearson left behind for him—and taking care of the orphans. He does not actually appear in 5D's until S2 (Season 1 Arc 2), where he is seen robbing the Security Warehouse. The various markers on his face give an impression that he is a thief who constantly gets caught caught by Security. However, he is considered to be the "Robin Hood" of 5D's, where he steals Duel Monsters cards in order to give them to the underprivileged children in Satellite whom he looks after in order to distract them from the despairs of shunned city. At the end of S2, the Crimson Dragon grants Crow Hogan the Tail Mark of the Dragon, which was formerly Yusei's. As a result, Crow's Signer Dragon, as confirmed by episode 95, is Black Feather Dragon. However, in episode 97, Crow was hindered from participating in the WRGP—the tournament after the Fortune Cup—when he was badly injured by Hidden Knight Hook—a card that Team Catastrophe possessed—and its effect. Despite this injury, when Team Catastrophe faced Team 5D's, Crow battled with Hellman and was able to defeat him despite the injury. Soon afterwards, however, Battle Royale broke out and his injury forced him to stay on the sidelines until things were resolved. Later, during the WRGP Finals, when Team 5D's faced Team New World, Crow was once again injured and hospitalized after his duel with Jose. He later showed a fast recovery when he escaped on his D-Wheel, along with Jack, to watch Yusei's duel with Aporia. After the entire ordeal with Aporia and the Ark Cradle descending and Yusei defeating ZONE, Crow worked as a Neo-Domino police officer. After the gang met up for the last time and parted ways outside Neo-Domino, it is heavily implied that he became a professional duelist. In Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V A Duelist riding a D-Wheel, Crow lives in the slums of City, where he takes care of three orphans. Crow has a similar personality as his 5D's version. He deeply cares for the children he looks after and got angry at Security when they approached them. He also respects those who protect children, telling Yuya Sakaki that he was impressed with him protecting Reira whilst dueling Security. He opposes them stealing when he got angry at Frank and Tanner for stealing and likewise when he was arrested, he told the children not to steal. He dislikes the Tops, seeing them as repressive and unfair, he views Jack Atlas, the Duel King who ascended from the Commons to the Tops as a traitor and urged Yuya to crush him during their Riding Duel.