Birthday: January 25, 1985 Height: 5' 6" Weight: 117 lbs Blood Type: AB Favorite Food: Kimchee, Vegetable salad Dislikes: Frog's eggs Hobby and Special Skills: Fishing, Game of go, Weather forecasting (using his unique intuition) Although he was born and raised in Japan, Kaku’s mother is Korean. His Korean name is Kwak Yeoung-sa. The rival he looks to for recognition is his cousin, Lee Yun-gyong, a midfielder and number 10 on the Seoul Senbatsu team. He is part of the Under Fourteen (U-14) trio of elites along with YÅ«to and Kazuma. He attends Zoushigaya Junior High. (Source: Daisuke Note, Whistle! vol. 12)