The last of the three mercenary children helping Chigusa. He supposedly came to Japan from the Istanbul Magic Association a month prior the school field trip to Kyoto, but was actually hired by Chigusa Amagasaki for her plan. She refers to him as "Newcomer". Fate is an expert in both Western and Eastern magic, is highly skilled in martial arts (noted by Negi to slightly resemble the chinese martial arts he practices), and is stronger and more skilled than Negi, as of the current story arc. He was the one that almost turned everyone at the Kansai Magic Association headquarters into stone, and kidnapped Konoka when Chigusa failed to do so on earlier attempts. The name he has may not be his real name, as noted by Eishun and furthed by Professor Akashi's report. He disappeared after he and the summoned demon god were defeated by Evangeline. He specializes in water-based and petrification spells and can perform Eastern magic such as summoning demons using ofuda. Recently, Fate has appeared outside the gate to the magic world, and, upon entering the magic world by following Negi's group, attacks Negi by piercing him with a spear-like projectile. He and a group of mages (whose identities are unknown- however, one of them seems to know Asuna) then engage in battle with Negi's ministras, separating the group with a forceful transportation spell, and accomplished the mission they were originally sent to do: destroying the gateway to the normal world (the group later set out to destroy the other gate keys). Fate and his group later framed Negi's team for this, putting a bounty on each of the Ala Alba members, making it harder for them to move freely. It is noted by Evangeline that Fate may not be human (saying he was something more akin to a puppet). His and his group's intentions are not known at this time. (Source: UQ Holder Wikia)