Go is the second of the two title characters. He is Retsu's younger brother by one year, and he is in the fourth grade. Go is rash, impulsive, careless, impatient, and brash. He is usually seen wearing goggles, but they are on his forehead most of the time as opposed to covering his eyes. His primary color is blue, which is the color of his hair, eyes, gloves, and boots, as well as his cars. * Cars: Magnum Saber (マグナムセイãƒ�ー Magunamu SeibÄ�), Victory Magnum (ビクトリーマグナムBikutorÄ« Magunamu), Cyclone Magnum (サイクãƒãƒ³ãƒžã‚°ãƒŠãƒ Saikuron Magunamu), Beat Magnum (ビートマグナムBÄ«to Magunamu), Lightning Magnum (ライトニングマグナムRaitoningu Magunamu)and the latest,Bison Magnum. * Birthday: August 1 * Blood type: O * Height: 120 cm (roughly 3'11") * Weight: 25 kg (roughly 55 pounds) * Hobby: Manga, video games * Hometown: Japan