Race: Cyborg Birthday: November 23 Birthplace: Ikaruga Federation Height: 240cm Weight: 550kg Blood type: Organic Oil Hobbies: Building ships in bottles Values: Kokonoe Likes: Magnets Dislikes: Salt water Originally the leader of an Ikaruga unit, Tager suffered a mortal wound during the Ikaruga Civil War and was forced to withdraw. He was revived as an enormous cyborg by Kokonoe, whom he pledged loyalty to afterward. After his revival, he bears a similar resemblance to a demon, which resulted in him dubbed as the "Red Devil of Sector Seven". He is feared by many, but in truth he is very calm and calculated, only engaging in violence when necessary. He has resumed his duties since his revival as a cyborg and is currently not only pursuing Hakumen, but also Ragna as a secondary target. In the true ending, he and Kokonoe made an assault on the NOL when Ragna had broken in. In BlazBlue: Continuum Shift, he is sent by Kokonoe on a mission to capture the true holder of The Azure Grimoire, Noel Vermillion. In the True ending, he escorts Noel and Makoto Nanaya out of Kagutsuchi.