Shown as a Goyosei member, Chinmei is in fact Mibu Kyojiro, the 2nd Red Cross Knight created from the flesh and blood of the former Aka no Ou. He cannot be killed with a normal sword, only with a true Muramasa Blade. He utilizes the power of gravity to deliver devastating blows to his enemies, several of whom were underlings or former allies. Shown as a ruthless killer that uses a mask that asks for "Love and Peace" as he does his duty to himself or to his King. Faithful to the Aka no Ou, he has worked for him and only him since the beginning, until he wishes to bring back his lover. Like Kyoshiro, he massacred thousands of people considered traitors under the command of the Aka no Ou. In the Mibu Clan, he became the Joker for the former Aka no Ou and gave very useful information about Kyo, Kyoshiro, the Goyosei, and the Taishirou. He also become one of the five members of the Goyosei, and his speciality is in controlling the Earth (Mumyo Dai On Ryu). He never uses a weapon in battle but uses two small fans to defend and shoot his techniques. His job was to steal all four of Muramasa's swords, Tenro, Shibien, Hokurakushimon, and Hokuto Shichisei, and bring them to the former Aka no Ou. The former Aka no Ou wants the swords destroyed since they alone can kill or hurt the Red Cross Knights and himself. It is revealed that he loved the former seer (the seer before Sakuya), and that he cherished her very much. However, she, being able to see the future, was afraid of the destruction she might help cause due to the Aka no Ou, pleaded Chinmei to kill her, to which he regrettably complied. He cries blood, claiming that he has cried so much that he has run out of tears. He reveals to Kyoshiro that he had given up in living in this world because he didn't want to remember any of the painful things that had happened to him. Chinmei met Kyo for the first time in Muramasa's house when he killed Mayumi in order to get Tenro. He was then attacked by Kyo who took the Tenro, but he left instantly. The second time he fought Kyo, he lost and was supposedly killed but he later revealed to be alive disguised as Spade of Tokito's Imperial Guards. During Chinmei's last battle with Yukimura and Sasuke, he showed his Shin Red Eyes, but Sasuke still defeated him with Yukimura. Chinmei is a powerful enemy even for Kyo. Yukimura cut him in half using the short sword that Muramasa made for Yuya. However, Chinmei survived. He was finally killed when the former Aka no Ou reabsorbed him for more power. Before fully dying, he aids Kyoshiro in escaping from inside the former Aka no Ou's body, telling Kyoshiro to not be a fool like him and protect Sakuya with all his might, something that Chinmei failed to do for his dead lover.