Rahzel is a fourteen-year-old girl who was ejected from her house by her foster father to go out and see the world where she meets Alzeid, who is one of the only people she has ever known who can use magic other than herself. Rahzel cares a lot about fashion whereas Alzeid does not care at all. She is loud, outgoing, and very straightforward, with a horrible sense of direction. She likes her father, tea, sweets, and chiffon, among other things; she dislikes boring things and smokers. It is later revealed that Rahzel's mother had the ability to see the future but, mad with her powers, tried to kill her nine year old daughter during her birthday. In the process, Rahzel murdered her own mother and was abandoned by her real father. He drew a circle around her and left her in the middle of the woods, telling her to wait until he returned (he eventually does, but Rahzel is already gone). Rahzel had always believed that her foster father had found her in the forest at that time, but a flashback reveals that it was actually Kiara. While talking with Rahzel, Kiara established that she would belong to him (when Kiara rescued a drugged Rahzel from a burning house, he handed her to Alzeid and told him that he was only 'borrowing' Rahzel). Presumably, during this time, Rahzel met Alzeid's older brother and promised to name him. Afterwards, Kiara delivers Rahzel to her foster father and tells him to watch over her until his return. Apparently, Rahzel's magical abilities are very high because she can incant one spell but summon an entirely different spell at the same time, as she did while fighting in Acanea. Rahzel bears a startling resemblance to the woman who had killed Alzeid's father, having black hair and blue eyes. Rahzel holds a philosophy that by naming herself, she belongs to herself; in her memories, her foster father had suggested the philosophy and Rahzel had subsequently named herself. Her birthname is: Rahzenshia Rose. Her parents names are: Bobian and Liliya Rose.