Karina is a police official who frequently calls on Keita and Y�ko for help with cases that have a spirit, monster or magical event at its core. He has stated that he is collecting the "devil's toys" created by an ancient wizard named Sekid�sai. He has more than once gotten Keita off the hook when the latter is once again arrested for indecent exposure after angering Y�ko. Karina wields an enchanted weapon he calls Angel Blade in combat. One of its signature attacks is the Holy Crush. It is later revealed that Sekid�sai is his ancestor; the two men look very much alike, except for their different hair colours. Their characters are very different as well; whereas Karina is a morally upstanding person, Sekid�sai is a pervert. However, it is later hinted at that, subconsciously, Karina may be a pervert, although definitely not to the same extent as his ancestor. He is frequently shown in a variety of fetishes, some granted by misinterpreted wishes and others the products of his subconscious desires.