Yutaka Watari is a close friend of Tsuzuki's who works in research and development. Though technically a mechanical engineer, he is basically a scientist who invents whatever comes to mind. He's also in charge of computer maintenance & repair. He's very bouncy and happy, like Tsuzuki, but doesn't seem to hold the inner angst that Tsuzuki does. However, he will occasionally become very and suddenly angry, usually because of something befalling one of his friends. His companion that is almost always with him is an owl, "003". (001 is a toucan and 002 is a penguin, they stay in Watari's lab) Watari's dream is to create a sex change potion, although his motives are not clear; he definitely has an unusual interest in women and all the facets of being female, although whether or not this interest is sexual or purely scientific is still a matter of opinion (Tatsumi, for example, is quite certain of the former). Watari once claimed that he wants to know how the woman's mind works, ergo his wanting to become female to understand it. He tests out all his potions and the like on both himself and Tsuzuki, relying on Tsuzuki's weakness for sweets for persuasion. Watari's special power is bringing his drawings to life. Unfortunately, his skill at drawing is very poor, but this does not seem to stop him from successfully drawing Tsuzuki out of the Count's self-written novel in Volume 5. Watari is the shinigami for the sixth sector, Henjoucho, which includes Osaka and Kyoto. He usually does not work with a partner, though he does sometimes work with Tatsumi. Later volumes of the manga, specifically the Kamakura arc, reveal a few pieces of Watari's past life. Most intriguingly it is revealed that Watari once worked for the Five Generals. These employees of Juohcho are infamous for their involvement in the Mother Project, the supercomputer of Meifu.