Miyu-Miyu, Miyu-kun (usually tells people to call him that, instead of Miyu-Miyu)
Hometown: Tokyo, Japan
Blood type: AB
Hobbies: dancing, play soccer, singing
Skills: playing the guitar, dancing, juggling
- Fruit: watermelon
- Saying: "I gotta believe!"
- Non-favorite: tongue twisters
Cast Note
He voiced Sora from Kingdom Hearts series, and also played the leading role in the movie Monochrome Girl.
Music Activity
Since May 2010, he and Hiroshi Kamiya banded a Kiramune-unit called KAmiYU, and sing for Karneval anime ending song (Reason) and Mokei Senshi Gunpla Builders Beginning G theme song (My Pround, My Play). Two mini-albums and one single were released so far after that. As a solo (since 2009), 5 mini-albums, 3 singles, and 2 album were released.
He's good friends with fellow voice actor Miyano Mamoru, they met during their primary school years (not in the same primary school though).
He doesn't want to consider himself as just one profession (i.e. just "Seiyuu"). He is himself who is interested in various activities in the entertainment field. Since 2013, he goes to explore/challenge and train himself in theatrical plays/musicals. He went on a short (about 6 months) hiatus in 2017 for studying abroad.